Job Hunting While Pregnant

2 min readFeb 16, 2022


Finding a job while pregnant has been stressful, and it hasn’t been an easy process. I’ve been dealing with my employer, for seven months. In the beginning they’ve difficult with the process of me being pregnant and not able to attend to work on site. I was gone without pay for a whole month. When I finally got them to accommodate me for the time being I got a very small amount of pay that wasn’t anything. In November 2021, they finally allowed me to work temporary from home as a full-time employee. Things were going great until…. I receive an email from my employer again stating I needed to return to work. Letting them know I can not return due to the fact I can not walk or stand for a long period of time. I will be delivering next month. I am once again, going without pay. I am back to the cycle of my employer screwing me over.

You're all probably wondering..why would you put up with their bullshit for seven months? Well, to be honest. I am currently dealing with court, paying for an attorney, as well as, paying child support. Let alone pregnant and need my health insurance to remain as it is until my child is born.

Why didn’t you look for another job instead of dealing with all this? Good question. Since I’ve been dealing with so much since I found out I was pregnant. My husband and I were living with his family. We were still trying to figure everything out, while dealing with the drama my son’s father caused. I have thought about looking for a part-time job, and I have applied myself. I was able to get interviews however, I wasn’t a great candidate. I’ve looked for remote jobs but unfortunately, those positions never reached out to me, or you required a degree.

I lost hope. After a while I decided not to look anymore. I felt that something is hovering over me causing me not to move on, not to be happy. My husband and I are finally in our apartment. I am currently waiting to give birth to my daughter. Once my child is born, and I am fully healed. I am going back into the job hunting stages and applying to a position I once was in, caregiving.

